Library Policies

Child and Teen Safety

The Warren-Trumbull County Public Library strives to provide a positive, safe, non-disruptive environment for all its customers, especially families and children. It is recognized that unattended or disruptive children/teens at the library can represent a serious concern. An unattended child/teen is one without an apparent parent/guardian/caregiver to monitor behaviors.

A “child” is defined for the W-TCPL as birth through 12 years; teens are defined as ages 13-17. Responsibility for behavior and well-being of children/teens using the library rests with the parent/guardian/ caregiver, not with library staff. Constant supervision is not provided in any public area of the library.


Ages 0-6  NO!
Ages 7-9  Yes, with parent/caregiver in building.
Ages  10-12 Yes


Children from birth through age 6 must remain in the company of a parent/guardian/caregiver at all times.
Caregivers must be at least 13 years old and have emergency contact information available.
Disruptive children or those not coping adequately with the library experience may intrude upon the business or activities of other library customers. Such situations will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.


If children age 6 or under are found without a parent/guardian/caregiver, the staff will attempt to locate such and reunite them with the children.
If those persons cannot be located either within the library building or at home via phone call within one hour’s time, or if the building is closing, staff will contact the local police department to pick up the children.


A parent/guardian/caregiver must be in the library building with the children.
Caregivers must be at least 13 years old and have emergency contact information available.
Disruptive children or those not coping adequately with the library experience may intrude upon the business or activities of other library customers. Such situations will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.


If children ages 7-9 are found without a parent/guardian/caregiver in the building, the staff will attempt to contact such and reunite them with the children.
If those persons cannot be located either within the library building or at home via phone call within one hour’s time, or if the building is closing, staff will contact the local police department to pick up the children.


Children ages 10-12 may use the library on their own without a parent/ guardian/ caregiver present in the building.
Parents/guardians/caregivers not present in the building are still responsible for the actions of their children.
Disruptive children or those not coping adequately with the library experience may intrude upon the business or activities of other library customers. Such situations will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.
All children should have emergency contact information available.


If a child’s actions warrant removal from the library, staff will attempt to locate parent/guardian/caregiver within the library building or at home via phone call during the course of one hour. If unsuccessful, or if the building is closing, staff will contact the local police department to pick up the children.


Young people from 13-17 years are treated as adult library users as far as expectations for appropriate conduct. (See Code of Conduct.)
Parents/guardians/caregivers are still legally responsible for the actions of these individuals.
All young people should have emergency contact information available.


All library visitors must have a definite arrangement for leaving the premises at closing time. Due to liability concerns, staff members will not offer rides to customers.


In the event of an unforeseen circumstance such as unanticipated closing due to power outage or bad weather, children/teens will be encouraged to use the telephone to arrange transportation as soon as possible.
If the library is closing and a child age 12 and younger does not have a verified ride, staff will contact the local police to pick up the child. Once the building is closed, two staff members must remain with the child until transportation arrives.
Two or more children over the age of 13 may be left together outside the building if they are waiting for the same ride, unless weather conditions are dangerous.


We hope you will implement these suggestions and make library time with your family a happy, valuable experience. The library staff and parents are partners in helping children grow into lifelong library users.
1. If you expect to be busy in the library selecting materials, using library computers, copiers, or attending a program or meeting, plan to leave your small children at home with a responsible caregiver or bring the caregiver to the library with you. You can then take care of your business with a minimum of fuss, and your children will be supervised.
2. Visit the library with your small children when you are free to point out things that might interest them. Introduce them to the library staff, stressing that if they should ever feel frightened or lost in the library, they should go to a staff member.

3. At home, practice “what if . . .” situations with your children. What if you lost track of mom or dad in the library – what would you do? What if another child started hitting you – what would you do? To boost your child’s confidence, make certain it’s understood that you will not leave children alone in any part of the library.

4. Help your children learn “good library behavior” by speaking in a soft voice and reminding them to do the same. We try to make the library an exciting place for activities and discovery, while respecting the right of other customers. Please keep a close eye on the use of puzzles, books and other materials – they are for all to share.

5. Remember that the library closes promptly.
For the safety of all children, arrange to pick them up prior to closing. If you will be detained, arrange for a friend or family member to meet the child. At closing, the building is locked and no one is available to supervise outside areas.
Hours vary at many library locations. Before dropping off children, be sure of opening and closing times.

Board Approval 09/18/07
Updated 08/12/10
Updated 11/2012

Code of Conduct

Please enjoy the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library building and grounds without displaying the following behaviors:

• Disruptive behavior which interferes with the intended use of the library
• Profanity or abusive language directed toward library staff or customers
• Abuse, damage, or vandalism of library materials, furnishings or equipment
• Theft or attempted theft of library property or the property of others
• Inappropriate use of library computers (Also see INFOT-1 Public Access to Computers)
• Threatening or harassing others either verbally or physically. Harassment may include initiating unwanted conversations, unnecessary staring, or impeding access to/from the building.
• Fighting, challenging to fight, physically assaulting or abusing anyone on library premises
• Bringing a weapon into the library (except law enforcement officers)
• Engaging in or soliciting any sexual act; indecent exposure
• Excessive displays of affection
• Panhandling or soliciting for self or others
• Stashing materials for exclusive use
• Ongoing use of the library as place of commercial business
• Unreasonable noise, including use of audio equipment at a level that can by heard by others
• Distributing literature, taking surveys or offering petitions without library approval
• Bring other than assistance animals into the building except at a library-approved activity
• Using emergency exits other than during an emergency
• Failure to follow emergency instruction from staff
• Overcrowding of tables or meeting rooms
• Sleeping or loitering
• Entering nonpublic areas without permission
• Without footwear or a shirt or otherwise attired to be disruptive to the library environment
• Unauthorized consuming of food or beverage except a beverage in container with fitted lid
• Monopolizing of library materials or furnishings in a manner other than its intended purpose
• Bringing scooters, bicycles into the building; skateboarding on library property.
• Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs; use of tobacco products; use of electronic cigarettes or vaping devices; use of smokeless “alternative tobacco” products
• Leaving one or more children under the age of 10 or vulnerable adults, who reasonably appear to be unattended, on library premises. (Also see CUS-1 Youth Services Safety Policy.)
• Unpleasant or foul odor on or about the body, clothing or possessions sufficiently noticeable to interfere with intended use of the library; neglect of bodily hygiene

Updated 08/2015

Collection Development Policy



The public library is a primary source of materials for the informational needs, cultural development and personal enjoyment of its users of all ages and levels of ability and interest. It is the institution in our society that attempts to provide materials representing many points of view in many fields.  This policy addresses the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library’s collection management decision process.


Regulation 1 – Selecting Materials

The materials selected shall be chosen to most effectively serve the community. Consideration will be given to
materials that may be of interest to a few, as well as those of interest to many.

The collection (with the exception of the Local History and Genealogy Center collection) is not archival. It is
reviewed and revised on an ongoing basis to meet contemporary needs.

The library attempts to provide a collection with diverse and differing points of view or intellectual thought.

Library materials selection is ultimately vested in the library’s executive director, who delegates to members of
the professional staff in the public service departments the authority to interpret and guide the application of the
policy in making day-to-day decisions. Unusual situations are referred to the executive director for resolution.



Building a library collection is an ongoing activity.  No library budget or building is large enough to permit the purchase of every worthy resource.  This policy guides the staff in most effectively using the library’s financial resources to meet the present and anticipated needs of the community it serves.

Library materials are selected to develop a broad collection that meets the needs and interests of a diverse service area for information, education and entertainment. Generally stated, the principles of selection require that all areas of knowledge be represented in the collection; that the content of works considered for acquisition be evaluated objectively; that works not be selected or rejected solely on the basis of their creators’ origins, backgrounds, or views; and that a wide range of viewpoints on issues susceptible to debate be represented in the collection. Selectors’ decisions are informed and guided by the principles listed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read.

The library will be responsive to public suggestions of titles and/or subjects to be included in the collection. Endorsement or disapproval by an individual or group in the community does not cause an item automatically to be included or excluded from the library’s collection. Selections must meet several of the following criteria:

Current and anticipated needs and interests of the community

Accuracy of content

Timeliness of information

Author, artist, and/or publisher qualifications and/or reputation

Contribution to diversity or breadth of collection

Literary merit or artistic quality

Positive evaluation in review media

Inclusion of title in standard bibliographies or indexes

Receipt of or nomination for major awards or prizes

Scarcity of materials on subject

Local importance of topic

Effectiveness and accessibility of format

Appropriateness/usefulness for intended audience

Available space


Additional considerations effecting materials selections include academic level of material (especially for technical works), budget, space, duplication of titles or subjects, quality of materials already owned on the topic, and the need for replacement of worn-out standard titles and outdated materials.


Regulation 2 – Local Author Collection

The Warren Library Local Author Collection will be shelved in a designated area.  A branch library may or may not designate a particular shelving area for Local Author materials.  All Local Author items will be identified with a “Local Author” label on the materials.

Procedures – Collection Parameters

Author must have a personal affiliation with Mahoning or Trumbull counties, for example, should have been born in or lives/worked in one of those counties.

Materials may be print, media, or digital format.

Materials must be in new or like-new condition as adjudged by the manager accepting the material.  Print material must be professionally bound.  No spiral bindings accepted.

Materials may include adult, teen or juvenile audience content and will be cataloged for the appropriate audience according to library procedures.

Materials not accepted may be designated for library book sales.

Materials will be subject to all guidelines for evaluation and re-evaluation, including possible removal as part of normal weeding procedures or in the case of lack of space in Local Author shelves, possible return to regular circulation.

Materials with obvious or possible copyright violations will not be accepted

Unsolicited materials submitted by persons or publishers outside of Trumbull and Mahoning counties will not be accepted.  Such submissions will not be considered, acknowledged or returned.

Materials from persons who meet the criteria of a past or present connection with either Trumbull or Mahoning counties but that are not accepted for the Local Author Collection will not be returned to the submitter.

All materials will circulate including via the SearchOhio and/or interlibrary loan systems.

Materials lost or damaged may or may not be replaced.

Materials created by a local author but which deal with subject matter normally included in the Local History & Genealogy Center collection at the Warren Library, may instead be housed in that non-circulating collection.

Authors with multiple titles may have only a representative number of titles shelved on the Local Author shelves at the Warren Library.

No promotion of any material/author by the library is assumed.


Procedures – Accepting Materials for the Local Author Collection

Authors should complete a Local Author Submission Form, provided by staff from the Forms section of the staff intra-net.  The form should be submitted to the Adult Services Manager or the Youth Services Manager at the Warren Library or to a Branch Manager.  One donated copy of the work to be considered should accompany the form.  Digital materials must be available through a vendor such as Amazon’s Create Space or similar vendor of digital works.

Materials accepted will receive processing and cataloging as any other materials would however that process may take longer due to the original cataloging required.

Due to space limitations at branch locations, the Branch manager may wish to forward materials to the Warren Library for possible inclusion in the Local Author Collection.


Regulation 3 – Withdrawing Materials

It is the function of librarians to select and discard library materials and advise on their use. They are prepared for this task through education, training and experience.

Librarians must, of necessity, work within the limitations of space and budget.

Selection and withdrawal processes are cooperative and suggestions are welcome from library staff/customers.

Librarians are responsible for judging the needs of their collections and their communities, and they must make the final determination.

Materials withdrawn from the collection may go to another appropriate nonprofit organization, be sold by Friends groups to support the library, be discarded, or be recycled.


Regulation 4 – Duplication of Service

The library will not needlessly duplicate the services offered by other area libraries serving special populations.

Extensive legal resources are available to the public in the Trumbull County Law Library.

The libraries of Kent State University (both Kent and Trumbull campuses) and Youngstown State University provide materials to meet the curriculum and research needs of college students and faculty.


Regulation 5 – Interlibrary Loan Service

Materials not available at the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library may be available from other libraries.

Customers can request items through SearchOhio, a consortium of Ohio libraries that use the Innovative Interfaces Incorporated library catalog system and through OhioLink, a consortium of Ohio college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio that use the Innovative Interfaces Incorporated library catalog system.

For items not available through SearchOhio or OhioLink, the Adult Services Department will attempt to borrow materials from other libraries in the United States, in accordance with the Interlibrary Loan Code of the American Library Association.


Regulation 6 – Donations

The library may accept gifts of books or audiovisual materials with the provision that qualified staff will decide the disposition of them.

Materials not added to the collection may be offered to Friends of the Library groups for their book sales, or otherwise handled at the discretion of the library staff.

Donations may be placed at any library location deemed appropriate.

No materials can be returned to the donor.

Donors wishing to have verification of their contribution for tax purposes are responsible for recording the number of items and must place their own value on the material. A form may be obtained at any Circulation Desk. It is to be retained by the donor as a receipt. Letters of acknowledgment are not sent.


Regulation 7 – Gift Tributes

The library is pleased to accept financial contributions for the purchase of items in memory or honor of a person or event.

Donors are encouraged to suggest appropriate subject areas or titles.

Whenever possible, a bookplate with the name of the person or event being commemorated, along with the name of the donor(s), will be placed in or on the item.

A minimum gift of $20.00 assists the library in its efforts to provide quality materials.

A letter of acknowledgment will be sent to donors of $20.00 or more.

Under certain conditions, contributions of books or other materials will be accepted as memorial or honor items. The material must meet the selection criteria for the type of material, be in excellent condition, and have a retail value of $20.00 or more.

At the donor’s request, a letter of notification will be sent to the honoree and/or the family of the person being memorialized. Appropriate names and addresses must be supplied by the donor on the library’s gift material form.


Regulation 8 – Re-evaluation of the Collection

Systematic re-evaluation and withdrawal of worn, outdated, or obsolete materials is necessary to maintain an active and useful collection.

The library is guided by the American Library Association statement on evaluating library collections, which is an interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights and CREW:  A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries.

Selection and withdrawal processes are cooperative.  Suggestions from library staff/customers are considered.

Withdrawn materials will be disposed of in an appropriate manner. Those in acceptable condition may be offered to Friends of the Library groups for their book sales or otherwise handled at the discretion of library staff.



The considerations for withdrawal of library materials may include:

Unacceptable physical condition

Age of the material and currency of the contents, particularly in science and technology

Circulation performance and use

Space limitations


Regulation 9 – Preservation of Materials

Preservation of materials is an important part of collection maintenance.

Materials need to be maintained in a usable, convenient and attractive format.

Cleaning, mending and replacement are options which may be considered to preserve and maintain the physical quality of the collection.


Regulation 10 – Materials Formats

The library provides access to materials through print, multimedia and technology.  The library recognizes that content and medium should be suitably matched and that library customers have different learning styles and preferences for how they receive information. Therefore, the library provides materials in a variety of formats, including, when appropriate:

Print – such as hardcovers, paperbacks, magazines and newspapers.

Non-print – such as audio and video formats, realia, and microforms.

Digital resources – such as online databases and materials in electronic formats



Regulation 11 – Digital Resources


The library subscribes to a selection of online resources, including research databases, to assist with research and recreational pursuits. Databases are vetted yearly by staff librarians and are continually evaluated based on their usage, cost, relevancy to the mission of public libraries and demand.

The library recognizes the continued and growing interest in e-resources such as e-books, e-audiobooks, streaming music, movies and television shows. The Library remains committed to leveraging available budgets to maximize access to these services, be it through decreasing wait times, increasing available content within a platform, and/or the addition of new products.


Board Approval 03/11/10
Latest Revision Adopted 03/09/23

To submit a question, comment, or complaint about something in our library collection, please fill out our Comment on Library Materials form (PDF) and turn it in to the manager at your Warren-Trumbull County Public Library location.

Confidentiality and Privacy

What is Ohio’s Patron Confidentiality Law?

In September 2000, Ohio’s lawmakers passed section 149.432 of the Ohio Revised Code dealing with confidentiality of library records. Ohio was the last of the 50 states to enact such confidentiality legislation. In the past, library borrower records were open for public review, inspection and copying. Basically, this new law provides that cardholder information is confidential with a few exceptions.

What does this mean to me?

Library staff may ask for more identification-related information when assisting customers with transactions. While this may seem like an inconvenience or an unnecessary annoyance to some customers, the staff is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers’ information and complying with this new state law.

Who can look at my record?

Customers have the option of choosing who can access their library account information, be it a spouse, relative or other individual. All customers will have opportunity to sign a consent form listing those who may be privy to such account information.

Parents/custodians/legal guardians of minor children will be asked to list other individuals who may have access to a child’s account information, including grandparents, caregivers or other individuals.

These customer consent forms must be on file at the library if detailed information linking the titles of materials to a specific customer is to be given out.

What about the staff? Can they look at my library records?

Access to identifiable information about you is limited to those employees who have a specific business reason to retrieve such information. Our employees are trained on the importance of confidentiality and privacy of customer information.

The library does not share its customer list with outside organizations except for administrative functions, such as sharing information with our collection agency. Not even the Friends of the Library groups may have access to your records!

How does the USA Patriot Act affect me?

The Patriot Act allows law officers to review customer records via a search warrant. By law, library staff must comply immediately with the orders of a search warrant. However, since customer library records are cleared as materials are returned, the only records available to law enforcement officers would be items currently checked out and items that have fines. If you should have any additional questions about your library record and the Patriot Act, please ask a library staff member.

Internet & Computer Use

Internet Policy

The Internet is not a single network; rather, it is a group of thousands of individual networks connecting thousands of computers all over the world and millions of individual subscribers, which have chosen to allow traffic to pass among them. The traffic sent out to the Internet may actually traverse several different networks before it reaches its destination. The Internet was developed to support open research and education in and among US research and instructional institutions, plus research arms of for-profit firms when engaged in open scholarly communication and research.

Philosophy of Library Internet Use

The Internet is a tool for lifelong learning. Users may access and use resources from computers around the world, significantly expanding their available information base. The Internet connection for the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library is provided through OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network), a state-funded program.

Computer and Internet access are a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for abusive conduct. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to violations listed under Appropriate Use of Public Computers (INFOT-1 Regulation 3). Users will adhere to the policies and procedures established by the library and by the administrators of any networks accessed. Use of computing resources must follow the guidelines of all the networks traversed.

Disclaimer on Net Content

Sites accessible via the Internet may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people. While the library’s intent is to make Internet access available to further the educational and informational needs of its users, users will have the ability to access other materials as well. In offering Internet access, the library staff cannot control access points, which often change rapidly and unpredictably. The Internet is a fluid environment, the information that will be available to users is constantly changing; therefore, it is impossible to predict with certainty what information might be located. Individual users must take responsibility for their own actions in navigating the network. Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet in the library.

Third Party Supplied Information

Opinions, advice, services and all other information expressed by users, information providers, service providers, or other third party personnel on the Internet are those of the provider and not of W-TCPL or OPLIN. W-TCPL specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. W-TCPL makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the Internet service it is providing. W-TCPL also disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Connectivity & System Use

The library will attempt to keep equipment and the local network fully operational. However, the library is not responsible for system failures at the local or wider levels. There is no guarantee that the operation of the system will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects in the system will be corrected. Internet access is provided on an “as is, as available” basis.

W-TCPL will not be responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its connections to Internet services. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by W-TCPL’s own negligence or the user’s errors or omissions. Some sources may not be available at certain times.

Internet Functions Not Supported

The W-TCPL does not provide any data storage space for public use. Users must download to their own storage media or print. Social Internet chat rooms and instant messaging services for juveniles, and visiting “X-rated” web sites are prohibited by this library’s Internet use policies.

Who can use the Internet from library-based computers

The Internet may be accessed by any library user, except those who have been sanctioned for improper use. Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet in the library.

Appropriate uses of library computers

Effective March 20, 2001, Trumbull County residents using library computers must have a valid Warren-Trumbull County Library card in good standing. Library computers may be used for word processing, data organization and analysis, database research, Internet access (other than chat sites) and other applications for personal or educational purposes. Users are expected to observe appropriate computer etiquette at all times. This includes:

Be polite, using appropriate language. Never send or encourage others to send abusive, threatening, libelous, slanderous or harassing materials. Avoid offensive or inflammatory speech. Never swear, use vulgarities, obscenities or any other inappropriate language. Your monitor is visible to other users.
Be responsible. Do not disrupt the use of others, whether in the library or connected to the Internet. It is not acceptable to use library computers to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising; the uploading or creation of embedded messages, computer viruses, worms, etc.; using the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the network (hacking); destruction or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the library, any of the agencies or other networks that are connected to OPLIN or the NSFNET Internet backbone, or other users. “Computer viruses” are programs developed as pranks to destroy computer programs and data.
Respect copyright laws. Users may download copyrighted material for their own use. Any user may also non-commercially redistribute a copyrighted program with the expressed permission of the owner or authorized person. Permission must be specified in the document or must be obtained directly from the author. Users may save public domain programs for their own use on their own device or non-commercially redistribute a public domain program. User assumes all risks regarding the determination of whether a program is in the public domain. Unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material or violation of software license agreements is a violation of federal law.
Be ethical. Use library computers and the Internet for purposes appropriate to the library setting. Examples of unacceptable purposes (some of which may also have legal consequences) include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Accessing material of a sexually explicit or violent nature.

· Unauthorized use of computer accounts, access codes, network identification numbers assigned to others

· Use of computer communications facilities in ways that unnecessarily impede the computing activities of others (such as randomly initiating interactive electronic communications or e-mail exchanges, overuse of interactive network facilities, etc.)

· Violation of network usage policies and regulations.

· Violation of another user’s privacy. Re-posting personal communications without the original author’s prior consent is a violation of the author’s privacy. However, all messages posted in a public forum such as newsgroups or listservs may be copied in subsequent communications, so long as proper attribution is given.

· Violation of any local, state or federal laws.

· Plagiarizing material written by others.

The library endorses cooperative computing. This includes:
– Refraining from overuse of connect time, information storage space, printing facilities, or processing capacity.
– Refraining from use of sounds and visuals which might be disruptive to others.
– Refraining from use of any computing resource in an irresponsible manner.

Random Monitoring

All public computers are subject to random monitoring by library staff to insure compliance with library policies.

Meeting & Conference Rooms


The primary purpose of Warren-Trumbull County Public Library meeting and conference rooms is to provide space for library-sponsored or co-sponsored programs which meet the library’s civic, informational, cultural, educational and recreational service goals. The W-TCPL does make available to the public a number of meeting and conference rooms during regular library business hours at most W-TCPL locations at no cost.


Library sponsored programs will be given priority in the reservation of meeting and conference room space. The executive director or location manager reserves the right to reschedule or cancel non-library reservations due to library need.

Meeting and conference rooms may be used by non-profit organizations or community residents of Trumbull County for lawful, non-commercial purposes during library business hours at no charge.


MGT-8 Photography and Videography on Library Premises


While appreciating the photogenic qualities inherent in their design, libraries remain working institutions whose primary mission remains to serve the needs of its patrons. As such, this policy is intended to protect Library users who may be endangered or inconvenienced by having their photo or video image taken in the library, while encouraging media and others to use cameras in a way which would help communicate the library’s mission and promote the beauty and uniqueness of the buildings in the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library system.

The Library is a public place, but is considered a “limited public forum” under federal law. As such, libraries have some discretion to reasonably restrict the exercise of free speech rights in their buildings—especially to the extent that the conduct in question would be disruptive to the other library users, violate the privacy of other library users, or be inconsistent with the library’s fundamental mission.


Photography and Videography by Library Staff
Photography or videography for internal use (website, community newsletter, archival photos, etc.) will be facilitated by the Public Relations staff. Public Relations staff should be made aware of any photography or videography by outside organizations.

1. Classes or events sponsored by Warren-Trumbull County Public Library may be photographed or video-recorded by the Library’s staff or its representatives. Attendance at a W-TCPL-sponsored class or event constitutes the consent of all attendees, and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, or other use of photographs or videos at the sole discretion of Warren-Trumbull County Public Library.
2. The Library may utilize photos and videos from public programs and events at Library facilities and Library spaces on its website and in Library publications. Photos, images, and videos submitted to the Library by users for online galleries or contests may also be used by the Library for promotional purposes. To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.
3. In order to protect the rights of individual library customers and to reduce distractions, the following must be observed:
• When a large group of individuals is involved (such as an event or workshop) a general announcement will be made concerning the purpose of the photo/video. In these cases, individuals generally will not be identified in accompanying written materials. Individuals who do not wish to be in the photo/video should excuse themselves during the activity.
• Written permission must be obtained from library customers who would be prominently included within a photo/video composition. An “Authorization to Photograph/Videotape/Release Information” sheet must be signed by each individual.
• Verbal permission must be obtained from library staff members who would be prominently included within a photo/video composition.

Photography and Videography by Outside Organizations
Photography or videography by outside organizations, including but not limited to media and commercial entities, is permitted at Warren-Trumbull County Public Library locations with advance consent of the subject(s) of the photography or video recording.

Except as permitted by applicable law, no commercial or media photography or filming may occur in Library facilities without the prior written permission and approval of W-TCPL Public Relations Manager. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial/media photography or filming will take place, and address the rights to ownership of the photos/films.

All outside organizations are subject to the provisions of the Library Code of Conduct policy and may not disturb the normal operations of the library. Any consent granted pursuant to this policy may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with terms of the policy or other rules and regulations of the Library.

Photography and Videography by the Public
Casual amateur photography, filming, and videotaping is permitted in the public and program areas of Library facilities for customers and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that the photography does not interfere in any way with library operations or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their advance consent. Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. In no circumstances may anyone take a photo or film a Library customer or staff member without the consent of the customer, or their parent/guardian, if a minor.

1. Individuals or groups wishing to film or photograph in the Library may be asked to complete and submit a W-TCPL “Request to Film or Photograph in the Library” form to receive advance consent. Upon submission, the form will be reviewed by a Library manager who will either approve or deny the request. If no manager is available to review form at the time of the request, the requester will be contacted within two (2) business days of the request submission with a determination. Until approval has been granted, the requester may not film or video on Library premises.
2. Photography and/or videography in “staff only” areas is not permitted.
3. In order to protect the rights of individual customers and to prevent disruptions, interference with staff or customers, or conduct inconsistent with the library’s mission, photographing and video or audio recording on library property are restricted as follows:
• Individuals who attend Library events and programs may take photos or video for personal use; however, if a presenter or other attendee requests not to be photographed/filmed, that must be respected.
• Under no circumstances may anyone take photographs or record video or audio without the express permission of any library customer or staff member who would be included within the composition. In the case of minors, permission must come from the parent or legal guardian.
• Under no circumstances may anyone take a photo or film a Library customer or staff member without the advance consent of the customer or staff member.
• In the event of a critical incident requiring police or fire response, public access may be limited to allow emergency personnel to ensure safety and security.
• If individuals persist in photography or videography without obtaining all required consents, the police will be called and notified that a disruptive party is failing to comply with a request to stop activities in violation of library policy.
• Any consent granted pursuant to this policy may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with terms of the policy or other rules and regulations of the Library.

Board Approval 05/12/05
Latest Revision Adopted 05/2024

Public Records


Consistent with the premise that government at all levels exists first and foremost to serve the interests of the people, it is the mission and intent of the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library to fully comply with and abide by both the spirit and the letter of Ohio’s Public Records Act, ORC 149.43.


All records kept by the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library are public unless they are exempt from disclosure under Ohio law. A record is defined to include the following: a document in paper or electronic format that is created, received by, or comes under the jurisdiction of the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library that documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the library.


Response Timeframe
• Public records are available for inspection during regular business hours with the exception of published holidays.
• Public records must be made available for inspection promptly. Copies of public records must be made available within a reasonable period of time. “Prompt” and “reasonable” take into account the volume of records requested; the proximity of the location where records are stored; and the necessity for any legal review and redaction of the records requested.

Handling Requests
• All requests will be handed in the Administrative Office at the Main Library.
• No specific language is required to make a request for public records. However, the requester must at least identify the records requested with sufficient clarity to allow the office to identify, retrieve, and review the records. If it is not clear what records are being sought, the library will contact the requester for clarification.
• The requester does not have to put a records request in writing, and does not have to provide his/her identity or the intended use of the requested public records. The law does permit the library to ask for a written request, the requestor’s identity, and/or the intended use of the information requested but only:
a. If a written request or disclosure of identity or intended use would benefit the requestor by enhancing the library’s ability to identify, locate, or deliver the public records that have been requested
b. After telling the requestor that a written request is not required, and that the requestor may decline to reveal the requestor’s identity or intended use
• A form will be provided for itemizing the records requested. It will be provided immediately to walk-in requestors and mailed to those whose request comes by mail, fax, email or telephone. Requestors do not have to utilize the form. (Attachment A)
• The director (or designee in the absence of the director) shall make the initial response to the request, supervise the record search and review, and determine which records are to be disclosed and which are exempt from disclosure. In the absence of the director, the assistant director, finance manager, or human resources manager will supervise the review.
• In processing a request, the library does not have an obligation to create new records or perform new analysis of existing information.
• Upon receipt of a mailed request an immediate response shall be made to the requester by mail or phone, stating the request has been received and is under review. The response shall also indicate that the requester will be contacted as soon as possible with further information.
• An electronic record is deemed to exist so long as a computer is already programmed to produce the record through simple sorting, filtering or querying.
• Although not required by law, the library may accommodate the requestor by generating new records when it makes sense and is practical under the circumstances.
• In processing a request for inspection of a public record, a designated library employee must accompany the requestor during inspection to make certain original records are not taken or altered. No original records are to leave the premises.
• A log shall be kept by the library to document all communication with requesters. (Attachment B)
• If a request for public records includes personnel records, the current staff member(s) (and former staff whose address is obtainable) will be notified in writing within three business days of the request. This notification will include the name and address of the requester if available and a description of the records requested pertaining to that individual.
• A copy of the most recent edition of the Ohio Sunshine Laws manual is available at for the purpose of keeping employees and public educated as to obligations under the Ohio Public Records Act, Open Meetings Act, records retention laws, and Personal Information Systems Act.

Electronic Records
• Records in the form of email, text messaging, and instant messaging, including those sent and received via a hand-held communications device are to be treated in the same fashion as records in other formats.
• Public record content transmitted to or from private accounts or personal devices is subject to disclosure. All employees or representatives of the library are required to retain their e-mail records and other electronic records in accordance with applicable records retention schedules. (See MGT-5 Retention and Disposal of Library Records)

Denial or Redaction of Records
• If the requester makes an ambiguous or overly broad request or has difficulty in making a request for public records, the request may be denied, but the denial must provide the requester an opportunity to revise the request by informing the requester of the manner in which records are maintained and accessed by the office.
• Any denial of public records requested must include an explanation, including legal authority. If the initial request was made in writing, the explanation must also be in writing. (Examples are available from the Attorney General’s office.)
• If portions of a record are public and portions are exempt, the exempt portions may be redacted and the rest released.
• When making public records available for public inspection or copying, the library shall notify the requestor of any redaction or make the redaction plainly visible.
• If there are redactions, each redaction must be accompanied by a supporting explanation, including legal authority.
• Social Security numbers, public employees’ home addresses/phone numbers, and other information not subject to disclosure within records will be redacted.
• Any questions as to the exempt status of any record should be reviewed by the Trumbull County Prosecutor’s Office.
Copying and Mailing Costs
• Those seeking public records may be charged only the actual cost of making copies, not labor. The charge for paper copies at the W-TCPL is 10 cents per page per side for black and white; 25 cents per page per side for color. The charge for electronic files downloaded to a CD-RW or DVD is $2 per disc.
• A requester may be required to pay in advance for costs involved in providing copies. The requester may choose whether to have the record duplicated upon paper, upon the same medium in which the public record is kept, or upon any other medium on which the office determines that the record can be reasonably duplicated as part of the library’s normal operations.
• If a requested asks that documents be mailed, the requestor may be charged the actual cost of the postage and mailing supplies. There is no charge for emailing of documents.

Managing Records
• Warren-Trumbull County Public Library records are subject to records retention schedules. The library’s current schedules are available in the Public Service Policy Manual in MGT-5 Retention and Disposal of Library Records, available at any library location, as required by ORC 149.43(B)(2).

Board Approval 08/12/10
Updated 09/2011

This policy was based on the model provided on the website of the Ohio Attorney General’s office.

CLICK HERE   To view the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library Retention and Disposal of Library Records Policy as a PDF file.

Study Rooms


W-TCPL offers private study rooms in most locations. These spaces are intended to provide a quiet environment for individuals to study or work, and to provide a place for people to work together on a project without disturbing other library users. Some study rooms offer a public access computer for guest use.


  • Study Room reservations are limited to a time period of 2 hours in rooms without a public computer and to 1 hour in rooms that do offer a public computer. Time may be extended if there are no reservations or no customers waiting.
  • Individuals requesting reservations must agree to abide by all terms and conditions set forth in the study room policies, regulations and procedures and guests must follow the Library Code of Conduct as stated in section CUS-2, Customer Behavior, of the Public Services Policy. Failure to abide by the following guidelines may be justification for denying individuals future study room use.
  • Beverages in containers with fitted lids are permitted in study rooms. In study room that offer computers, beverages should be placed on the floor away from the computer.
  • Food is prohibited in study rooms.
  • Rooms must be cleaned of trash and debris at the conclusion of reservation and returned to the condition in which they were found. Rooms must be left in a neat and orderly condition. Any loss or damage to the room or its contents, including library equipment, will be billed to the person reserving the room.
  • Cancellations should be made as soon as possible in order to make the room available to others.


The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of reproductions of copyrighted material. This material from the picture file is protected by the copyright law. The library makes this picture available for the personal use of the borrower to be used for private study, scholarship or research. Reproduction, alteration or derivative use of this visual image for the purposes other than those listed above without the express written permission of the copyright holder may constitute an infringement of copyright law.

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