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Play-Doh Club @ the Liberty Library

Liberty Branch Library 415 Churchill-Hubbard Road, Youngstown

Children of all ages will enjoy a hands-on tactile experience using clay tools to create and explore the art process with Play–Doh. Free.

“I Survived” at the Library @ the Lordstown Library

Lordstown Branch Library 1471 Salt Springs Road, Warren

Calling all fans of the "I Survived" series! Help us celebrate our favorite adventure series by completing activities based on the books. For children ages 6 — 12. Registration is required; call (330)824-2094 to sign up. Free.

Adventures in Food: Produce @ the Warren Library

Warren Library 444 Mahoning Avenue NW, Warren

Let your child’s tastebuds take a trip around the world! Children ages 9 — 12 can enjoy an afternoon of taste testing various foods from around the world. Registration required. Please consider any food allergies or sensitivities before registering for this program.

Healthy Eating for YOU @ the Warren Library

Warren Library 444 Mahoning Avenue NW, Warren

This presentation will explore how much you should eat, what is in the food you eat, and why you eat what you eat. The Healthy Eating for YOU program is led by a registered dietitian nutritionist. Learn how to take charge of your well-being by taking charge of what you eat. This program is provided through a grant from the Mercy Health Foundation of the Mahoning Valley. Registration is required; call the Reference Department at the Warren Library at (330) 399-8807 ext. 200 or email REF@WTCPL.ORG to sign up. Free.

Microsoft Excel 1 Class @ the Warren Library

Warren Library 444 Mahoning Avenue NW, Warren

Learn the basics of creating spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel, including navigating the program, working with rows/columns, and entering & sorting data. Introduces basic formulas and functions. Familiarity with a mouse, keyboard, and computer required. To register, call the library's Public Computer Lab at (330) 399-8807 ext. 201. Classes at the Warren Library will be held in the Classroom on the library’s 2nd floor. Free.

Totally Tweens: Adventurous Tasting Edition @ the Cortland Library

Cortland Branch Library 578 Lakeview Dr., Cortland

Tweens can try various types of chocolatey treats, including some more adventurous bites! (Allergen warning.) Registration is required by June 11. For tweens entering grades 5 — 8. Free.